Sunday 12 February 2012

Switch the brain on

Some key progress points in the last couple of weeks. I now have to remember that Joseph is watching and learning all the time. Better make sure I'm not unconsciously teaching him any bad habits.
He's seen me use keys before and he's always liked playing with them, especially if I'm holding him and due to lack of hands I'm having to hold my keys in my mouth. He will most helpfully hold them for me and then not want to give them back - or drop them in the middle of the path, depending on what mood he is in.
Last week he had hold of them and I put him down next to the car to get the door open. He had the keys and he saw the lock in the door and tried to put the key in it. Full marks for brain skills, but as my paintwork was likely to suffer I quickly took the keys back.
In my Mums living room she has a filing cabinet with a small lock on it. When I went to pick him up after my day at work he got hold of my keys again like he always does and tried to use them to open the filing cabinet. So now I know that nothing is safe any more, even if it's under lock and key.
As for the shape sorter toy, he's now pretty much figured it out. Some of the shapes he got quite quickly, like the pentagon and the flower shape as they'll fit through several different ways round (or they have multiple lines of symmetry if you want to be posh) but he's struggled with the shapes that only have one exact way of fitting through, like the heart and the circle with a bit cut off. He can manage them now, most of the time.
Alas there is a drawback and I don't mean him leaving the blocks on the floor for you to tread on unexpectedly and scream. I mean that he can get the blocks in but not out again. This leads to frustration as he decides he wants to play with it and realises he can't. This week I was trying to have a little rest when he wanted to play and he got frustrated. I still have the bruise on my head, but it's under the hair line and doesn't show. That wooden shape sorter is really very hard.

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